Donnerstag, 24. November 2011

Spain ~ Costa de la Luz ~ Isla Canela ~ boat trip in Portugal

The coast of south portugal and south spain is parted into two different types of coasts. The one type is the coast with the beaches and the other type is the steep coast. We started early in the morning to do a boat trip to see the steep coast. It was a 3 hour boat trip and got kind of sick at the end of it. But it was really beautiful.

The harbor were we started the boat trip.

There were some really weird looking rocks which were just standing in front of the coast.

I liked how the landscape looks with the different colors of stone and so on...

Again the landscape... really beautiful. But as you can see the weather was a little greyish but it was still warm and every now and then the sun came out.

Our boat.

Just amazing and stunning.
One of the many cliffs.

One of the few "caves" with a little beach inside.

It reminded me a little of Monument Valley just that the stone has a different color and that it is a cliff.

There were also a lot of arches.

Well I don't know how to call it but let's just say "an open cave".

Or a cave with a hole in the seeling.

Ok that one is funny. Do you see the face in the rock???

Just thought that this looks really interesting.

Again an Arche... just a bigger one.

And a smaller arch.

This cave was just newly formed because the "soft" sandstone just broke down.

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