Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2011

Spain ~ Costa de la Luz ~ Isla Canela ~ Faro

One day in Faro. Faro is the city in Portugal were we arrived (about an hour away from our hotel). It is a nice city with some really pretty old buildings. And who thinks that portuguese sounds like spanish... NO!!!! It sounds more like russian :D

I love that building. Just the architecture and stuff :)

There are also a lot of houses having these tiles on the wall.

I love how it looks shabby but pretty at the same time.

A picture at a wall made out of tiles.

And some more tile art.

Tile art as a name tag of a galery.

One of the churches.

The whole church.

The entrance door to the church.

The entrance door to the little foyer.

Sooo tan :)

Love this style of design and architecture!!! Just beautiful!!!

Montag, 28. November 2011

Spain ~ Costa de la Luz ~ Isla Canela ~ Ayamonte

On the 30th of July we went to the next bigger town called Ayamonte.

The church of Ayamonte. I really like the architecture of the spanish churches.

The "Madonna" at the outside of the church wall.

Ok we call it "Gottesanbeterin"  I think you call it a mantis. Kinda fascinating but also really gross.

Donnerstag, 24. November 2011

Spain ~ Costa de la Luz ~ Isla Canela ~ boat trip in Portugal

The coast of south portugal and south spain is parted into two different types of coasts. The one type is the coast with the beaches and the other type is the steep coast. We started early in the morning to do a boat trip to see the steep coast. It was a 3 hour boat trip and got kind of sick at the end of it. But it was really beautiful.

The harbor were we started the boat trip.

There were some really weird looking rocks which were just standing in front of the coast.

I liked how the landscape looks with the different colors of stone and so on...

Again the landscape... really beautiful. But as you can see the weather was a little greyish but it was still warm and every now and then the sun came out.

Our boat.

Just amazing and stunning.
One of the many cliffs.

One of the few "caves" with a little beach inside.

It reminded me a little of Monument Valley just that the stone has a different color and that it is a cliff.

There were also a lot of arches.

Well I don't know how to call it but let's just say "an open cave".

Or a cave with a hole in the seeling.

Ok that one is funny. Do you see the face in the rock???

Just thought that this looks really interesting.

Again an Arche... just a bigger one.

And a smaller arch.

This cave was just newly formed because the "soft" sandstone just broke down.

Montag, 31. Oktober 2011

Spain ~ Costa de la Luz ~ Isla Canela ~ The hotel and the beach

On July 28th we decided to stay at the hotel and the beach.

The ship you could see when you drove to the island.

We went to the beach in the evening to see the sun set and to take some good pictures like my dad with his "holy" camera :)

My sister.

Me at the beach with a beautiful sunset!

My lovely little sister and me.

JUMP!!! It's me!!!


One of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen.

Photoshooting: my sister!

Beautiful picture!!!

Yeah! It was great!
Again my "little" sister an me.

My beautiful sister! Love her long hair!

My parents :)

Hide and seek in the palms :D

Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2011

Spain ~ Costa de la Luz ~ Isla Canela ~ Spanish Riding school in Jerez

On June 26th we decided to go on a trip to Jerez where the Spanish Riding school of Spain is.

We had to drive there for about 3 hours so we had to wake up really early in the morning. At least it had something beautiful to wake up that early :)

One of the many really impressive buildings.
Some of the riders having practise.
I loved the horses! They had some really impressive Andalusian horses there.
Here you can see the grey horse in the very back doing a "capriola".
The show hall.

Real Escuela Andaluza Del Arte Ecuestre

The show room from inside.
This gallery is for the royal family.
The police officer in front of the Spanish Riding school