Montag, 18. April 2011

3rd competition ~ Altenburg

Altenburg... Definitely the competition with the most jokes! Ok how to describe... Altenburg is a city in eastern Germany. And they have a really fun accent. Just because of that there where already a lot of jokes. But the B-Team of Altenburg is our direct rival... so you know you can love them as people but not until the competition is over. It actually was not a good competition for us (we were 9th) but it was still a lot of fun. We had to drive up there for 4 hours so we arrived the day before the competition. We stayed in a hostel in a really small town called Ossa (there were just two roads!!!) about half an hour away from Altenburg that night. It was just a lot of fun!

Everybody is hungry, but were is a restaurant? Well something was directly clear ... not it Ossa! So we drove about 15 min to another a bigger town. There was a restaurand and the food was yummy!

Guten Morgen, Bonjour, Buenos dias, Buongiorno, Good Morning! Early, early morning it was. But all ready (hair done, make-up on our faces) we were sitting at the table in the hostel and had a really yummy breakfast :D

Aren't those pictures the most horrible ones? Mornig + Food = horrible picture :P I have no idea why I'm laughing so haard but there must have been something funny! :)
Here in our way-to-small-for-20-people changing room. Why I have white eyebrows? Because my eyebrows are to thick to just whiten them with eyeshadow so I use white eyeliner. Looking like a grandma right?!
My girls :)
My team and our favourit "other" team : Viernheim! Ya it's probably a really good friendship grown between our two teams!

Me ans Sina ( a girl from Viernheim). Right after the competition we drove those 4 hours back home. And at the next day we surprised a girl from my team with a big breakfast because it was her birthday.

Still a little bit tired and full of food couch seemed to be a really cosy and cuddly place :D

2nd competition ~ Rüsselsheim

Second Competition in Rüsselsheim also a city about half an hour away from Frankfurt. Again an exciting day. Last time we took 6th (out of 11 teams and we had to share it with another team), this time we wanted more! 

Getting ready in Hofheim. It was way to early (you can see it, it's still a little bit dark) and way to cold!!!

Everybody has their things to do. Those who need help with the hair, get this help. And I had to powder everybody :)
Ok, what's a competition without funny pictures (ya me on the right :P)

Oh ya a reproachful look to the camera ... don't even know why...

Why walking around all day in our dancing shoes, if there is way more comfortable "feet wear" in this world!

Our mascot Bob the Vambear (Mix of vampire and bear) with our Good Luck-pig
The girls solo.

And the end pose.

Second round - new game!

Our roundabout (that's how you call this move/step whatever roundabout) is synchronal!!! (It is not that often that it happens but we work at it!)

I really love this move!

The end of the main part. Happy with what we achieved!

And the end!

Bob was probably the luckiest bear on this world with so many girls :D 

YEAH PART!!! We took 6th!!!

Freitag, 1. April 2011

1st competition ~ Friedberg

First competition in this season. We were in Friedberg which is about half an hour away from Frankfurt. We had to share the room with two other Formations which was a lot of fun!

Some of my girls. Ya ready to stand on the danceflor :D
Ya I just love them :)
Being crazy :D
Introducing the Formations. TSA Hofheim :)
Starting the choreography, Your simply the best!!!

So at the end we were 6th out 11 teams. Probably more then we've ever thought of!

Done. Happy. Now having the time to eat something :D
Chilling out after an exhausting day.