Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2011

Spain ~ Costa de la Luz ~ Isla Canela ~ Sandanmials

On the 24th of July we made a trip to Portugal which is as I said very very close to Isla Canela. We heard that some sand artists made an exhibition to the theme "Sandanimals". So we decided to make a little trip.

The border to Portugal :)

They where soo well done.

It really amazed me! Also how big those sand sculptures where.

I also liked the different motives and the creativity which stood all behing that.

I told my sister that she should stand in front of the sculptures that you can see how big they were :)

The exhibition was called "Fiesta 2011".

I also liked the different themes like here the theme "Africa".

It was awesome how they also made all the details.

Ya and again just to have the idea to do that!!! And of course it is amazing how they did that!!

They also did some fantasy figures like Dracula with his castle.

They also had some comic figures.

Like Lucky Luke...

Or the 4 friends from Madagasca...

Or Snoopy.

I really liked Mickey and Minny sitting on the moon!

Darwin [R]evolution?!? : I liked that because it has this Evolution/Revolution question in it.

Ya I mean wow that bear is totally me :D

I loved that bird with the handbook:"300 ways to poo on a Human"

1 Kommentar:

  1. Those sand sculptures are great. Wish we could have gone there with you. Miss you.
