Dienstag, 14. Juni 2011

Waiting for summer break

Ok today is Tuesday and I am just waiting for summer break!!! Next Wednesday it'll start :D The grades are all turned in and the teachers are pretty uncreative so we watch movies and eat in class all the time ... But I'm really looking forward for the upcoming events.
On Saturday my friend will come back from her exchange year and I am soooooooooooooooooooooo excited to see her again :D And then I will go on vacation with her for a weekend or so :D We are going to watch a musical called "Dance of the Vampires". It is made after the Polanski movie "The fearlss vampire killers". I've heard that it is a great musical and I'm really excited to see it!
The next person I can't wait to see is Karin :D:D:D I'm not sure yet if it will work out that she'll visit me soon because it depends on her exams. But I really hope it will work out. I haven't seen her for a year now and I really would love to see her again.
So actually I can't wait that the summer break starts!!! The weather could be a little bit better because it is really humid but the sun's not shining :( But it is nice warm :D
And the next thing: Laurie my blog is up-to-date :D :D :D yay finally. And I promise I'll try to keep it updated :)

I love you all <3

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