Sonntag, 13. März 2011

Vacation ~ Part 6 ~ Arches National Park

Our next stop on our road trip was the Arches National Park in Utah. It was soo impressive to see all those Arches which are made by nature. Actually it is kind of unimaginable when you think about what the nature made over the past hundred thousend years.

The first arche on our way to the national park.

Germany 6946 miles O.O

What an amazing view!!!

I have no idea how that works out but it does!

My little sister made her own little "stone wonder"

No stop on our road trip without a picture :D

It is soooo dry there

The first arche we hiked up to.

Still an amazing view!!!

Second one we hiked up to. I liked it better because on the other side was this amazing view on some other arches.

Pretty awesome what nature did there. Just look how small the people in comparison with this arche are.

There are those "little" stones in there... Just imagine they fall down O.O

Thought this was kind of funny with this cute little arche in the big one :D

Ya top that :D

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