Daniel's father is a professional photographer, so we got free pictures. After 4 hours in the studio we had some awesome pictures.

Devin and my date Nick

Our whole group: lots and lots of fun :P

Me and my date Nick

It was such a fun day :)

Our nice Kong Fu/ Karate moves :P

Oh yeah :P

Mission (Im)possible

Ya I am taller than him but oh well as long as it is fun :D

and it definitely was !!!

My dress was not "wide" enough xD

same here xD


...all over the world :P

Sad day?




...around :)

Group pictures :)

We had to do some pictures...

till we got...




...a good jumping picture :P

The girls :D

Princesses :D
Kisses for our guys :)
And again: just goofing around :)
Can-Can xD
...to the beat...
...of our...
...souls :)
...of the...
Hidden behind masks :D
we had fun !!!
ya I stole the mask from Daniel xD But it was like made for my dress xD
Mhm ya the guys pictures!
And it all...
...ended up...
...THIS xD
Ya our guys...
...ROCKED !!!
Like little kids :)
Sometimes the smallest has to be the tallest :D
And again CAN-CAN :P
Something interesting was there :P
Zeigt her eure Füße ... xD
Everybody was so surprised by those beautiful ladies... accept my date... he played evil :P
But then he was surprised, too :D
Oh yes our little boys :)
Litarelly talking behind their backs :D
Being proud of our dates :D

Oh yeah :)
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