And again pictures from ages ago xD yes I know I have to post faster ^^ but I have so much to do in school and so on ... So but here are the pictures of the Homecoming Game which was at september 11th 2009. I hope you enjoy the pictures :)

Me before the game ... Dressed up with LP shirt and LP make up :)

Me and my really gut gelungenem LP :D

Hannah :D

Devin :D

The Marching Band...

Ehm , yes sometimes a footballgame is like a rock festival ... every where crazy people :D

And the Marchingband again ... actually the Colorguards aren't really good. Dafür the marchingband umso mehr :D

Cheerleaders and the Marchingband in the background...

Marchingband and the colorguard :)

A sky full of balloons

Stephanie and her horse :D

The National Anthem

And again the national Anthem...

And again Marching Band...

...and again ...

Michael :D

Sarah :D

Karin :D

The LP which my drawing teacher draw :D

Orchestra and Marching Band

... and again ...

The marching band

Our Footballfield and unsere Goldhelme ^^

The most awesome picture this evening xD

haha die Helme of the marching band :D

I love Footballgames on this football field aspecially with Sonnenuntergang :D

The most beautiful footballfield in the world :D

Betsy :D:D

And the marching band again ^^ I have no idea why I have so many pictures of them xD

Sarah, Karin and me

Somebody while leading the marching band :D

Our Maskottchen .... a Knight xD

Our Maskottchen :D

The score --- we won :D:D
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