Dance Allianz Cup 2009

My Trip to Egypt
At the airport in Stuttgart. We had to woke up at 5 o'clock in the morning, because we had to travel 3 hours to Stuttgart. Then there was no traffic jam on the Autobahn and we were to early at the airport. It was a rainy, cloudy and cold day. But 4 hours later it was warm (25°C) in the night!!!
This was our first horse trip in the dessert and at the sea. My horse called Sophia and I can't ride her a second time because she was brought to Cairo in another stable.It was amazing. Annica was so scared that her horse will blew away because the wind was strong and the horses were very thin.
I like the wonderful sea, the beach, the sun, only all the tourists were a little bit annoying...
The horses do synchronal canter at this picture. :D
This was at the beach and I only tell Sylvado (our guide) "bye bye" and his answer was "okey see you tomorrow" and then we checked him up:)
Maike, this is a wonderful blog. We can't wait for you to join us here in America for the school year.